Potomac Kempo recently hosted its first tournament in three years. Through the worst of the pandemic, our instructors continued to teach in whatever capacity they could, sometimes virtually, sometimes distanced or outside, and often masked. Our annual tournament, however, had to wait. An event of this kind can only be accomplished in person and with a crowd of excited spectators. So, given the long wait, it was a thrill to be able to bring its tournament back with full energy!

Throughout November 6th, nearly two hundred competitors and double that in spectators descended on the Embassy Suites, Springfield. The room was packed, and the excitement was engaging. With five different age brackets from young children through mature adults and rank divisions from white belt through second-degree black belt, there were many proud victors.
With our next tournament tentatively scheduled for May of 2023, our instructors are already beginning the early work of preparing their students to compete and win.