Trace Adkins has a song with the line “And she thinks we’re just fishin’” which obviously made me think of Kempo. . .
I think sometimes people misunderstand the goal of Kempo training. They often think the goal is to perfect a technique or a form. They strive for the perfect kick or the perfect punch. These are all noble goals and working towards them is what hones what we are really working on — ourselves.
We are the goal of our Kempo training. We are trying to make ourselves perfect. Not just our ability to deliver a kick but our ability to improve our ability to deliver a kick. Not just to control our body but to control our mind. To go beyond knowing things to actually understanding them. Punching and kicking are a means to an end. Which brings be back to country music. . . .
In the song “Just fishin'” by Trace Adkins he tells of a father who is fishing with his daughter. As they spend time together they talk about life and develop a deep bond, but the little girl doesn’t understand this, she thinks they are just fishing. In the same way I think that most people practicing Kempo think they are “just training” rather than understanding the magnitude of what they are taking on and the benefits that they can achieve. That’s okay, it still works.
Some people go fishing to catch fish and some people go to bond with their friends and family. Some people practice Kempo to learn to punch and kick and some people practice to become better people.
So, like I said. Kempo is like fishing.
Master Chris Santillo
Potomac Kempo