It is well understood that martial arts training helps to develop kids who are resilient — strong, adaptable, and able to recover. What is the secret? Our instructor training focuses on how to be the best possible teacher for every student and how to drive lessons through the three Pillars of Learning, Service, and Integrity.
Being the best possible teacher for every student is involved and challenging, but it is a learnable skill. It involves having the right mindset, taking advantage of all possible educational opportunities (both planned and unplanned), communicating effectively, and about a thousand other things.
Learning, Service, and Integrity are high ideals. Teaching them effectively requires a familiarity with the principles as well as an understanding of how they can be integrated into a child’s everyday, moment-to-moment life.
For years we have taught this methodology to generations of instructors and now we offer it to parents everywhere. Our book, Resilience Parenting: Raising Resilient Children in an Era of Detachment and Dependence puts into the hands of parents the tools necessary to raise strong, adaptable, resilient children.